Mangrove Tree Services

Mangrove Permitting, Trimming & Installation in Florida

The mangrove is a tropical or subtropical plant that can live on various substrates in fluctuating tidal conditions. While they can grow in freshwater, their physiological adaptations for saline water reduce their ability to compete with plant species adapted to freshwater conditions. In Florida, the Mangrove Trimming and Preservation Act protects mangroves from unauthorized removal and severe trimming.

At ESU, we are certified and have years of experience in mangrove permitting, trimming, and installation in Florida. You can count on us for expert mangrove installation, management, and trimming on your property.

Florida Mangroves

Throughout the world, there are over 50 species of mangroves. Meanwhile, Florida is home to the following endemic varieties:
Mangrove Seedling

Red Mangrove

(Rhizophora mangle)

White Mangrove

(Laguncularia racemosa)

Black Mangrove

(Avicennia germinans)

A Small Red Mangrove Is Growing From the Bark of a Tree.

Red Mangrove

(Rhizophora mangle)

A Close-Up of a Tree Branch With Flowers of a Plant Called White Mangrove.

White Mangrove

(Laguncularia racemosa)

Black Mangrove in a Body of Water Surrounded by Trees and Plants.

Black Mangrove

(Avicennia germinans)

The intensity and duration of cold weather limit the northward distribution of these species. White mangroves are intolerant of freezing conditions. However, red and black mangroves are more tolerant of cold weather if their root systems are effectively protected. Meanwhile, red and black mangroves are found growing sporadically along the northern Gulf Coast of Florida.